shake off

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shake off

2024-07-15 15:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

shake off基本解释

shake off的解释

抖掉; 甩掉; 逃脱; 摆脱(麻烦、烦恼等)

shake off网络解释

1. 撵走,摆脱;抖落:shake hands with 与...握手 | shakeoff 撵走,摆脱;抖落 | shake up 摇匀;激励,使振作

2. 抖落,摆脱,甩掉:227、settle to 静下心来 | 228、shakeoff 抖落,摆脱,甩掉 | 229、share in 分享,分担

3. 摆脱:shake-hands 握手 | shake-off 摆脱 | shake-out 抖出

4. 抖落:shave off 剃去 | shakeoff 抖落 | turn off 关掉

shake off词典解释

1. 治好(疾病),摆脱(坏习惯等)If you shake off something that you do not want such as an illness or a bad habit, you manage to recover from it or get rid of it.

shake off

e.g. Businessmen are trying to shakeoff habits learned under six decades of a protected economy...商人们正努力改掉60年来在保护主义经济下所养成的那些习惯。e.g. Get your body moving to boost energy, stay supple and shakeoff winter lethargy...锻炼身体以增加活力,保持柔韧性,甩掉冬日的慵懒。

2. 甩掉,摆脱(跟随的人)If you shake off someone who is following you, you manage to get away from them, for example by running faster than them.

e.g. I caught him a lap later, and although I could pass him I could not shake him off...一圈后我追上了他,可是虽然我可以超过他,但却甩不掉他。e.g. He was unaware that they had shaken off their pursuers.他不知道他们已经甩掉了追捕者。

3. 甩开,甩掉(使不接触)If you shake off someone who is touching you, you move your arm or body sharply so that they are no longer touching you.

e.g. He grabbed my arm. I shook him off...他抓住了我的胳膊,我一把将他甩开了。e.g. She shook off his restraining hand.她甩开了他的手。

shake off英英释义

shake off是什么意思


1. get rid of

e.g. he shed his image as a pushy bossshed your clothes

Synonym: shedcastcast offthrowthrow offthrow awaydrop

2. get rid of

e.g. I couldn't shake the car that was following me

Synonym: shakethrow offescape from




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